I'm attending SXSW Interactive this year, which starts tomorrow and ends Tuesday.  In case you don't know, SXSWi has a section called ScreenBurn that holds events and panels, acting like a mini-GDC.  There aren't any game announcements but it's a great way to meet people in the game industry and hear their thoughts on random game-related topics.  

Anyway, I thought I'd summarize the panels/presentations I attend and share my thoughts on them, sort of like what Gamasutra is doing for GDC.

I mention this because I was hoping some other people in the community could throw together a "Bitmob at SXSW 2010" banner for me and anyone else attending to use.  If anyone else is attending, leave your contact info in the comment section and maybe we could meet-up.  

Also, if you have the time, I'd appreciate if you could look through the list of panels and tell me which ones you'd like me to cover.  


The Best,
