Have you looked at the Indie Games channel on xbox live recently? I know that it is buried under layers and layers of menus far out of sight like the strange step child that we don't like to associate with, but I assure you he has plenty to offer. Some of the games on the indie channel are actually very good. This is a section I started doing a while ago, but have just let languish in the depths of the internet. I haven't written a new one in ages, so I may be a bit rusty and behind the times. Either way, the point is to get the word out about these indie gems.
Dead Pixels is a zombie survival game. Been there and done that right? Well, there are many things that make this game worth your time. It has RPG elements in the sense that you can upgrade your character stats. You don't have experience points though. In true American style you buy your upgrades. Can't run fast enough? Just shell out some money. Dead zombies drop the cash you require. Other than money you will find weapons, ammo, and random crap in buildings. The only building you can actually enter are the vender's, the others just show you a menu of what you've found. The random crap is essentially only there for you to sell at venders, but is worth gathering simply for that fact.
As you can probably figure out from the title the game is decidedly retro. It looks clean, but pixilated. To compliment it's retro graphics is the feel of an old school zombie flick. You and a buddy can roam the streets killing hordes of zombies. You can even poke zombies to death! The poke is a valuable tool which you will need to utilize. ….that and grenades. The game seems endless, but there is an end I assure you. Luckily, you can save your progress so you won't have to burn through those horror filled streets in one sitting.
Seriously, it's only 80 points— you can't go wrong. Buy this game and grab a buddy for some good old same couch co-op. You won't regret it.