Bear with me people of the interwebs for this is my very first post, well besides facebook, which doesn't really count. I am a high school graduate living in Whistler, British Columbia and ever since I saw my very first fan feedback on g4tv a few years ago I've wanted to become a video games journalist. The way that those guys can put words to something that I never felt could be described out loud was just awesome! 

Now people have been telling me "Zac, your nuts! How are you ever going to make money as a video game journalist?" or "How do you compete against all these already established game journalists out there that haven't had they're big break even after years of hard work?" So i tell them, it isn't about competing to make loads of money. It's about putting your thoughts down in text and hoping that someone out there both sees what you've written, and likes how you're mind makes sense of it. If you happen to be being paid for it then that helps to bolster your confidence and helps you afford to buy your "research tools" as I call them now. Anything to justify spending near a thousand dollars on 3 24 inch PC monitors, am I right guys? Woo! So many pixels, so little games that support them.

So if anyone's reading this besides my close friends and relatives, who will continue to follow me no matter how bad I am (cuz they're crazy), continue to follow me as i review such games as, Mass Effect 3, Resident Evil Raccoon City, Final Fantasy 13-2, Alan Wake and even Orcs must die! 

Give me a chance guys, I'll be worth the read.