We have all done it, or at least thought about doing it. Skipping either work or school to play a videogame.





There is only one instance that I did this and it was to play grand theft auto 3. I had never gotten very far in the game, my brother and me had tried, but always resorted to just going on rampages and spamming the ‘spawn tank’ cheat. So, I was determined to beat this game. I wouldn’t have been able to fake sick to my mother, she’s too good for that, so I convinced her that if I didn’t stay home to complete some assignment then I was boned for school, she believed me.

As soon as she was off to work I got busy with the game, and I sure as hell beat it! Day well spent.

That was then, and ironically, today I really am sick, and wondering what games to play.

The last time I was truly sick I spent an entire week burning through Persona 3. For me, it is always been safe to stick with RPG’s when you’re sick. They waste a lot of time and don’t always require too much concentration. The only problem with gaming when your sick in general is it sucks to sit up and stare at a tv.

That is why this time round I feel blessed (despite being sick) for having a hand full of RPG’s on portable systems.

I’ve got Final Fantasy 7 on PSP and Crono trigger on DS. All ready to game from the comfort of my bed.

So, bitmob, what games do you guys pretend to be sick to play, and, when karma bites you in the head, what games do you play when your actually sick?