Hey Guys and Gals,

Some buddies and I are setting up an event on January 28th in Alexandria, VA at which there will be food, drink, and indie games! …. and freebies!

We are charging to get in, but thats because we are renting the space and equipment so we're just trying to break even.  Don't worry it's not much.  There will be an interview / Q&A with indie developer Fun Infused Games who currently has a handful of games on the xbox live indie marketplace (such as Volchaos and Hypership Out of Control) and free codes for some of their games. We feel that Microsoft doesn't do a very good job promoting these games, so we are taking up the cause ourselves!

We also have smaller events more frequently– mainly just getting together to play games, chat, drink, etc.

We're based out of Northern VA, so if your in the area come join! 


Search "Gaming In Public" on facebook and meetup.com


The event page is http://www.meetup.com/Gaming-In-Public/events/44701732/


Our fearless leader's blog and best spot for info is http://www.gaminginpublic.blogspot.com/