I've ranted countless of times about how I didn't want or need a new MGS game on a variety of social networks. "The story was finished," I said. "After 4 what more could you want?" I asked.  Years leading up to 4 and the following years, reports of Kojima not being able to work on new things outside of MGS were going around. The thought of a creator being forced to work on things that he didn't want to, didn't sit too well with me. I'm sure that's where my wants for another MGS game died off. When Peace Walker released, my interest in it equaled zilch. I have it, but I haven't started it up once. Many of my fellow MGS fans have called me a fool for not having played it by now. I didn't care. Peace Walker was a game that I believed he was forced to make, so I didn't want any part of it. I only have it because it's packed in with MGS3, my favorite game of all time. These last few years Kojima has been talking joyously about his new FOX Engine and Project Ogre. It was great to see him enthusiastic about working on something new again. All of the details that released over the years, made it one of my most anticipated things to come. If news for it was available, I saw it.

About a month ago, reports of there being a big reveal at the end of August. Someone released a fake MGS5 picture that got me excited, and kind of pissed when I found out it was fake. It was then that I should have known a new MGS game is something I really wanted. I just didn't want one of my favorite developer in the gaming industry to be forced into making sequel after sequel until the inevitable happens. That, alone, led to me disliking anything related to a new Metal Gear from a subconscious level of my mind. Peace Walker and Rising Revengeace didn't have a chance at becoming another loved Metal Gear game. In my mind, they were preventing him from doing what he wanted, so I couldn't have cared less about them.

August 30th just passed a couple of days ago, the same people that have seen me rant about not wanting a new Metal Gear game saw my posts about how excited I was for the series to get a movie and a new game titled Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. I couldn't sleep that night knowing a new Metal Gear was indeed coming. I wasn't even drowsy the rest of that day. I was ecstatic.