Location: Regina, SK, Canada
Twitter: @superghost
Personal Blog: SUPERGHOST's Haunted House of Xbox
“Those video games aren’t going to play themselves!” –SUPERGHOST
The above quote has been my credo for several years now, representing my attitude that when you get up in he morning, or come home at night, those video games are waiting for you to play them.
My passion for gaming reaches all the way back to the 1970’s when the Telestar pong machines where just making there way into peoples’ homes. I still remember the moment when I first played a video game. From then on I was hooked. Years later my brothers and I would get our first computer, a Commodore VIC-20. Not long afterwards we upgraded to the Commodore 64 where my interest and knowledge of gaming flourished with such influential games as the Ultima series, Hardball, Test Drive, Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, and so many others too numerous to mention.
Once on my own I moved to the ‘big city’ where I bought my first console, the Sega Genesis. I owned a lot of other systems and games throughout the 1990’s, but when the Sega Dreamcast arrived, video games and my passion for them were taken to the next level. While the brilliant light of the Dreamcast quickly faded I never thought another system could replace it. I was wrong. Enter Microsoft’s Xbox, gaming for me would never be the same again.
While the Xbox and the Xbox 360 have been at the center my gaming life these past several years, I have also dabbled with the Nintendo DS and the PS2 recently. I have been blogging consistently for over four years at my Xbox-centric blog, SUPERGHOST’s Haunted House of Xbox and have contributed my way around the internet as well. I even did some comic book reviewing for a time.
I was attracted to Bitmob because it allowed me to share my work as well as discover and read the works of other like-minded individuals who have a similar gaming passion. I love the fact that I got into Bitmob at the ground floor because I believe that this site and community will be a major player in the internet gaming media in the coming years. I look forward to reading your work and sharing mine. Leave a comment and say hello to the SUPERGHOST!
Twitter: @superghost