Case Closed


The event that shook the industry. It was the single largest release in entertainment ever, grossing three hundred and ten million dollars in one day in the UK and US, surpassing even the release of The Dark Knight, Grand Theft Auto IV, and many other major releases. It was the day Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 released into the market. Garnering a highly positive review aggregate on of 94% it appeared as if this was the greatest thing since slice bread. 

But now, ten months after its release, Modern Warfare 2 is generally considered a sub par, rage inducing, mess of a game. What could have possibly happened? How could this game, the sequel to Call of Duty 4, one of the highest rated games this generation, possibly be so looked down upon? 

Welcome to Modern Warfare 2: Case Cosed. Yes, I know, there are thousands of articles floating around the internet about why MW2 sucks, or why its failed so hard. What possibly could make you, the ever important reader (and most likely someone who has played MW2), read this article?  Because i won't be concentrating on the same five flaws that have been repeated eight thousand times over the last ten months. I will be looking at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as a whole, not just the multiplayer, not just the lag, not just the noob tubes. No, i will analyze all of it. Singleplayer, Spec Ops, and then finally, the climax of this series, the Multiplayer. 

The flaws, the highlights, the good, the bad, and the unbearably ugly. If you're interested, awesome, I look forward to seeing how you agree or disagree with me in the comments. If you don't care at all, I applaud you for reading this long and giving me your time. i believe we should finally, before Call of Duty Black Ops releases, for Modern Warfare 2 to be laid to rest.


I will post, (or at least attempt to), the next chapter of this in depth analysis every Monday, starting next Monday August 30.  The first chapter? Singleplayer. 


See you next week! Thanks for reading!


Sites used for facts: Wikipedia, Metacritic