After what could be considered “done with the game,“ I’m coming out of the experience Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic with a positive spin. It’s fun in the way that reminds me of my youth; pretending with my friends to be in a Kung Fu movie. This might have to do with the toy-ish character style, or the party like fighting system, that happens to be surprising complex. The whole time I’m thinking “…oh yea, you grabbed me. Then I jumped off you; then I downward fire punched you. You jumped back and blasted with an electric ball, then you went all levitation, and started healing yourself while I started charging you…” That child like conversations started coming out, when I was playing with my friends. While fighting, your either shaking the controller for a charge, or doing a forward moving gesture for fire punch, which makes you really feel like the attack you just nailed is real, and that much more connected to this world; which just happens to let the little kid out inside of you. 

Without going into a review type format, the game kept me busy for about 5 to 6 hours by my self, and with friends, it’s anyone’s guess, it’s fun for everybody. The one player “Challenges” mode takes the place of a story driven adventure; which just happens to train the player for multiplayer fighting pretty well. Customizable toy styled characters made of parts unlocked from the arcade-ish reward system is addictive.  The only thing I could wish this game could of included, would be more pieces to collect for the characters, and enhanced abilities that could attached the pieces unlocked or new abilities in general.  For $9.99 on PSN it’s out now.    

 The game’s an A