This lazy Saturday afternoon I am sitting here trying to decide what to contribute to the Bitmob Mobfeed.  So I have decided to rumage through my blog and pull out this little gem.  I wrote this in my Xbox blog back on November 13, 2006 as the original Gears of War was just hitting the console.  While the first paragraph is mildly interesting from a Xbox LIVE celebrity encounter perspective, to me the second paragraph is more telling.  If you still poses your original Gears of War Limited Edition bonus disk, you may want to dig it out to refresh your memory.  Keep in mind, it is all show business!

How SUPERGHOST Helped Shape Gears of War Multiplayer…

True story!  …rather it is an overstatement, but let me share with you my story.  A little over a year ago , just prior to the 360 launch I added CliffyB (yes ‘The Real’ CliffyB) to my friends list.  Myself and some of my GamerFriends such as TormentX, Schuey F1, and Cru met up with the creator of Gears of War for a little Halo 2 multiplayer action.  It was during play there that we discovered that CliffyB was doing his homework on how to make a great multiplayer game himself, and as Halo 2 was (and I guess is) the king, what a better place to do his research.  So over a few nights we played with and against Cliff, and then he was gone.  Hey, I was just happy to do my part (and just in case you were wondering…CliffyB would probably be a way better Curb Stomper than a duel-weilder, if you catch my meaning). 

And here is another interesting tid-bit, and I will give it to you with out spelling it out.  Back when playing Halo 2, 14 months or so go, Cliff made the comment on how dificult it was for Microsoft to green-light the gun/chainsaw combo…now watch the ‘The Road to E3’ on your LE bonus disc.  I really hold nothing against them for doing it, after all they are trying to make compelling television, and I think they succeeded.  Great game, great multiplayer!  We will have fun with this for a long time!

That was a trip down memory lane.  If you happened not to see ‘The Road to E3’, it was essentially a reality-style program detailing the lead up to the unveiling of Gears of War.  In the program they played up the Chainsaw gun/Lancer controversy as if it was happening just prior to E3.  The reality was they were only playing out events that happened well over a year prior in order to spice-up the program.  Sorry to lift the veil on that one, but I think most of us have seen enough of Cliff Bleszinski over the years to know he is as much a pitch man as he is a game designer.  God bless him though, he is responsible for some of my favorite games!

Twitter: @superghost