Note: This story is a parody for the latest Bitmob Writing Challenge.
We've know this for over 20 years. Star Tropics, a classic NES game made by Nintendo and it's IRD tema, will someday top the overall sales of Capcom's flashy slashfest, Devil may Cry. Oh, you didn't know this? Well, you weren't around in 1990, then! A time of great innovation in the videogame industry, where 2D gaming was at it's best. This style of gaming is poised for a comeback, because as we know, all technology is cyclical. We might be at a time when consoles and portables are getting bigger and better all the time, but really, all it's doing is accelerating the push to old school games.
Don't agree with this logic? Well, how very argumentative of you. But, consider this: Star Tropics evolved from the classic template of The Legend of Zelda, one of the greatest series of all time. What did DmC evolve from? DMC. It's just a repurposed reiteration of itself, basically an incestuous creation that's spawning of itself. And while that may be perfectly acceptable in a game about Devils, modern society won't buy a game that goes against a largely accepted moral standard. But a game about a hero who's main weapon is a yo-yo? It'll sell millions! Just look at Earthbound!
So go ahead, dust of that NES or go download it for your Wii, it could use the playtime. And when DmC comes out, just remember, you've played it before, when it was good. No need to go through that again.