Steam has some amazing sales going on right now. Some everything from Dead Space to F.E.A.R. to Left4Dead 2 can be had for a song… maybe two. The problem? Not all these games are campatible with current operating systems, so be warned.
Exhibit A…. Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
This game was made to run in Windows 98/XP. It does not play nice with Windows 7. Maybe it doesn't like the NFTS file system? When I tried to run it in campatibility mode all sorts of new errors popped up like "failed to find steam". I know there are a bunch of combinations you can run the campatibility modes, so any help/advice would be appreciated. Steam doesn't seem to play nice with these settings. I suppose this is just a friendly warning to those crazed steam sale junkies. Read the system requirements. No matter how great the price is on a game.. it doesn't matter if it's not compatible with your system.
Update* The solution is VTMB update 7.8. It's an unofficial patch, but it works like a charm.