Dear BitMobbers,

                  So day one has just passed and now we reach day two.  One thing is known that Sony and nintendo better bring it today.  Lets get this shin dig started.

            When doing a press conference focusing on your individual stuff that is coming out please make sure no other console is getting it.   I realize Microsoft paid loads of money for the Beatles to be on stage.  Sony could have done the same thing if they wanted to.  Now maybe I am just confused, but just maybe it is me who only thinks this way.  Well you might have out done nintendo for some crazy contraption for getting me off the couch, but where is the AWWW game?  Didn’t really see a first Party game that grabbed me.   Maybe you were hoping people would wet there pants for Joy Ride, but let me tell you something.   Find EA go make love with Battlefield heroes (Free PC game) and then release something cool.   Since your now competing with On-Line it is about time you go direct download now you will be number three.  If any of you want to argue Sony is doing that now with select titles to your PS3 which for me is a good thing with a 300GB HD.

     Moving on really no other press conferences really took me by storm.  So lets give some more shout outs to other games and companies.

     Ubisoft let me down with no really good Beyond Good & Evil 2 footage.   Yes I went there since this would have made them stand out more.  Lets move over to Bio-Ware now with Star Wars: The Old Republic.   Watching the trailer where was the force with this Jedi?  He gets his ass kicked all over the place.  Now I am not sure, but seems like the sith made a punk out of everyone.  Appears to be the female bounty hunter was even more powerful then the Jedi.   Now it might just be me, but seems like the dark side is stronger then ever.  Will wait to pass judge ment later down the road. 

     So lets see what today brings so that way maybe we can compare presentations and see who is the big winner for top 3 and then publisher and developer.

     Have a great day two of E3.


               Toby (ATC)