

Look at any review of Final Fantasy XIII, and you'll keep reading the same thing.


"It's too linear. The linearity sucks. The game is held back because of it's linearity."

Boo hoo.

Final Fantasy X was also quite linear, but it was well received by fans and critics alike. In fact, it's probably in the top five most popular games in the Final Fantasy franchise. Now, let me tell you guys something, there's nothing that bad about Final Fantasy XIII. You want to say it's linear? Fine, it's pretty linear, but for a reason. You and your party are a congregation of refugees exiled from humanity. So, it's not practical to just travel the Overworld, go into all these towns, and say hello to all the people in them, because, well, those people want you dead. It just doesn't make sense to run around everywhere, when there's really no need to. Also, about 10-15 hours into the game, depending on your skill level, the game does open up a little, and let you do some sidequests, as well as explore the landscape.


Besides, if you think about it, all games are linear. You wouldn't be able to progress in Grand Theft Auto without having to travel to Thug Joe's house, do his mission, and then do his next misson, etc. All games are linear at their core, it's just how games work. Some may have some toys and sandboxes for you to play with while you're on your way to the next assassination, but it's linear all the same. I think Final Fantasy XIII got a lot of unreasonable hate. The game is gorgeous, the story is very complex, and the soundtrack is spectacular. The new battle system is great, as well. And for those of you who say, "Oh, all you do is hit Auto-Battle the whole time," I say this. It seems like you hit Auto-Battle the whole time, because YOU choose to do so. Move the thumbstick down one notch, and you've got the abilities menu, then you can do whatever you please. I also enjoy the paradigm system, although, obviously it isn't for everyone. 


My point is this. Final Fantasy XIII isn't a bad game. It's story puts most games these days to shame, the graphics are extremely detailed and stunning, the soundtrack is emotional and fresh, and the battles can become pretty intense. Although, I do have some complaints; no game is perfect. I dislike the fact that if your "leader" character dies, the battle ends. There are a few other minor complaints, like the occasional cheesy one-liner, and some of Vanille's fighting noises sounds like she's getting off, but hey, it's a video game, not a blockbuster movie. I must say, though, the voice acting is pretty good, but being a story-driven game, it's only to be expected. Bottom line: Final Fantasy XIII deserves more than a C average, it's not in the same league as "Monday Night Combat," or "Puzzle Quest 2."