First, for those of you who haven't seen the trailer for Overstrike, I Highly Encourage you to view it right here

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Doesn't that look fun? It may not have had any in game footage, but it definitely did a good job of letting you know what kind of game it would be. A co-op romp with 4 characters who all have a personality and kick-ass super gadgets to match their personalities. The trailer even hints at some of the ways that the squad would be able to use their gadgets in tandem with each other for special effects, such as the incapacitating gel shot by Isabel that is then blown up by Jacob. Overall it looks like it would have been a very enjoyable game, with fun characters, and a lot of style. It looks promising doesn't it? I mean, that trailer was so fun and memorable, it's hard not to at least enjoy the humor. At the very least I would have wanted to rent the game.

But that game is dead now. Instead, we have Fuse.

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To its credit, the Fuse trailer appears to be in game footage. But all the creativity and fun that intrigued me about Overstrike in the first place is gone. Instead we have a generic pseudo-realistic looking military-esque co-op shooter with obnoxious not-quite-dubstep music to accompany the underwhelming trailer. What I don't understand is why the previously very cool looking Overstrike has been completely homogenized into just another generic looking shooter. Where is the appeal in that? Where did the fun go? At least Insomniac is still doing their "crazy over the top weapons" thing… But this just doesn't look very exciting.