WoW 5.0 added something more for interaction mode between player and NPC, the small farm is one part of it that with a lot of fun. Players can grow their own crops, and get the returns from the material to combat small pets and wow gold 5.0, and the same time, it corresponds to the new prestige terraced rice paddies off. how to get started to play with this fun casual games ?Let's take a look at the finishing preliminary guide for everyone!

5.0 Farm System
A lot of people think Blizzard is not crazy, and turned the farm system in World of Warcraft! Despite this, as a recreation system, this will not allow people to subvert the senses of Warcraft, after all, the Blizzard not trying to create a serious atmosphere. More, we all want easy game is not it?

In fact, part of the main components of the system is day-to-day, the farm system is just one part of the most critical! Others and your farm is not a bit-plane with wood! Well, that can not be stolen food.

Quest Start
The starting point of the task is the four winds of the Valley, Mid-Levels Day song farm NPC: old farmer stupidity
The first task:
In the vicinity of the farm near the handle eight stone. Very simple task, everywhere.

Next,the old stupid man will come out and begin NPC dialogue about how to learn to use the farming tasks.

1. Learn to seed.Go to the Mid-Levels bazaar, find green businessman can get seeds.
2. Learning farming: farming. Find two dark black land farm, click on reclaimed soil, and then planted the seed.
3. Learning farming: care. Watering appliances rusty watering can be found on the edge of the stakes in the farm:
4. learning farming: harvesting. Later on, the kinds of good seed germination grow up to harvest!
5. learning farming: Mid-Market.Following in the farm house, find moor lily, to the Mid-Levels mart. After that, we will have a farm!
6. learn farming: Do not spray) Gina ballot (landlord translation inaccurate
This task is not completed on the spot, and seed merchant buy onion seeds, then planted in his farm.

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