The Wii U. As we all know Nintendo will be bringing its new console to market this winter. Just in time for the Zumbu crowd to get back on to their fitness board and work off that excess turkey fat. But that's it, that's all we know.

Its due out in a mere three months time and we have no official release date, no price, and no word on what else will be released day one alongside the shovelware and NintendoWorld (which are one and the same). Pikmin 3 has slipped, ZombieU looks like it will too. We don't even know how many controllers come bundled, or anything about the online functionality. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING NINTENDO?

This is surely the time Ninty for getting your target market hyped, getting demo units out to retailers, letting the public try it first hand. Setting a reasonable price, so as people can start saving for it. Letting the people know, if you preorder this console right now, then heres a bloody great game and a reason to do so. But we got nothing.

I'd wager if you were to go outside onto the street and ask one hundred people what a WiiU is, only a handful would know the answer, many will think its an add-on controller for the Wii they've got at home exclusively for Just Dance 24 or whatever the hell.

As much as I'd hate to see Nintendo fail, having created some the greatest moments in video game history, they deserve it this time.  You can't say 'Oh we're now all about the hardcore market' whilst not giving out any information or indication on just what we can expect from the WiiU. Whilst the casual user base who made the Wii such a success are unaware there's even a new console on the horizon.
