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How the shaving clubs stack up: Best of the blades

Image Credit: Gillette

This sponsored post is produced in association with Gillette.

Let’s face it. Maintaining a silky smooth shave can be a pricey undertaking for any man. Replacing the blades of your shaver periodically can cost a fortune, ranging from $9 to nearly $30 per cartridge pack. It’s even worse when you realize you’ve made a lousy investment after testing the babies out and discovering their lackluster quality. Needless to say, it’s no fun for your face or wallet having to replace a razor that gets the job only half-done.

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That’s why the recent study by Consumer Reports on which shave club has the best razor and blades is sweet music to those looking to take advantage of shave club savings and convenience. Certainly, subscription models have become increasingly popular, combining the best of the on-demand economy with in-demand products.

Every shave club claims to have the best razor at the lowest price, but eight male staffers from Consumer Reports put four of the top clubs’ razors — Dollar Shave Club’s Humble Twin and Executive models, Gillette Shave Club’s Fusion ProShield, and Harry’s Truman — to the test. That added up to a lot of shaved sideburns, tricky adam’s apples and sensitive under-nose spots.

“Our staffers used each of the brands at home for eight days and then answered questions on comfort and quality of shave,” explained Consumer Reports Chief Health Editor Ellen Kunes.

The testers and sensory experts judged the closeness of the shaves at the end of each day throughout the test.

Out of all the razors tested, Gillette Shave Club’s Fusion ProShield ranked number one. It delivered the closest shave out of the bunch and was generally reviewed as excellent or very good on all other measures. And almost all the testers were interested in taking the test to the personal level, saying they would buy it.

Clearly, as tech advances, there really isn’t any excuse to sacrifice quality for convenience. Plus, subscribing to the Gillette Shave Club offers a host of perks, whether you’re a subscriber or not – like deals and coupons, exclusive access to some of Gillette’s most exciting campaigns, including sports and entertainment partnerships and celebrities. And, oh yeah – some pretty helpful grooming and style content.

Check out the video below to see one of the perks you can take advantage of right now – a very cool complimentary t-shirt designed by Johnny Cupcakes.

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Learn more about Gillette’s Shave Club and sign-up today. Use the coupon code “JOHNNY” on checkout to pick up your special edition t-shirt, while supplies last (available to the first 500 sign ups).

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