What’s the greatest driver of business value for your company? The customer experience. And your company’s marketers rely on you in IT to provide them with the right data to deliver that experience in a big way.
But how can your IT organization champion marketing’s cause when data issues like these are standing in your way:
• Marketing data hyper-growth. As more customer activity takes place in the digital realm, how do you handle the explosion of big marketing data?
• Disparate databases. How do you manage and connect multiple databases so that information is housed centrally, rather than in silos?
• The right data for the right customer. Somewhere in that big data is the right data. How can billions of data points get connected back to individual people – the very customers marketing is trying to reach?
This whitepaper by Sitecore, “The data apocalypse – is your IT organization ready?” offers insights into those challenges and introduces the new Sitecore Experience Database™ (xDB™), a scalable and flexible repository that sits on top of the Sitecore Customer Experience Platform™. That’s one platform, one view, and infinite scale – everything your IT group needs to give marketers what they want:
“Immediate access to complete, individualized data that empowers marketers to engage in personalized, real-time customer conversations across every touchpoint at any scale.”
Earn hero status. Get your Data Apocalypse White Paper now. – See more at: http://whitepapers.venturebeat.com/content37105/#sthash.KywTx6v1.dpuf
Save your marketers from the data apocalypse (Whitepaper)