Mobile is eating the world — and as it does, it’s enabling some profound shifts in how we live.

We’ll be discussing how the rise of mobile is making paying for things, and simply exchanging money with friends, easier than ever before at our upcoming MobileBeat event in San Francisco on July 8-9.

Braintree CEO Bill Ready, along with VentureBeat senior editor Devindra Hardawar, will discuss mobile’s impact on payments in a one-on-one session.

Session Speakers:

Bill Ready

Bill Ready, CEO, Braintree

Devindra Hardawar

Devindra Hardawar, Senior Editor, VentureBeat

NOTE: MobileBeat tickets are very limited, and they shoot up in price soon Grab yours today and save $200!

For many consumers, personal mobile devices that enable context-driven experiences have quickly become their primary computing device. With this shift to mobile, consumers now expect that mobile apps know enough about them to enable seamless and magical experiences (think Uber, Airbnb, and Hotel Tonight) with a single touch.

Businesses now realize that this one touch experience is no longer an option, but a must-have. In response, next-gen businesses have leveraged mobile to fundamentally disrupt industries from transportation to hospitality. But for businesses to be able to provide consumers with these magical experiences from start to finish, they need to offer consumers seamless, invisible payments to complete the experience.

These seamless experiences are all the more important as we move toward the Internet of Things, where our mobile devices will communicate with connected appliances and other devices. Join Braintree CEO Bill Ready to discuss how mobile will continue to transform the way we live, and how businesses can better enable these magic-like experiences.

We’ll be announcing more speaker and program updates in the coming days. For more on the vision of this year’s MobileBeat, head over to our event site.

Join 1,000 mobile visionaries, leading brands, analysts, developers, investors, and press for two days packed with high-value discussions, actionable lessons, exclusive announcements, and lots of networking.

Grab your tickets now to save $200! Seats are limited.

Special thanks to the following industry leaders for supporting MobileBeat: Adobe as Corporate Partner, FactualTapjoy, AppLovin, Adtile, IBM and AT&T as Gold Partners; FlurryHasOffersSequoia CapitalRadiumOne, SupersonicAds, Cirrus Insight and Tapsense as Silver Partners; UpsightCotapNew RelicSplunk, GLOBO, and LifeStreet Media as Event Partners; Adenda and Rumble as Nest Partners, and Bizzabo and VSC as Strategic Partner.