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The “secret” behind Hulu in a Super Bowl ad?

The “secret” behind Hulu in a Super Bowl ad?

Video site Hulu sent an email out today telling people to watch Super Bowl XLIII (that’s 43 for you non-Romans) for the launch of Hulu’s ad campaign. That, in and of itself, is somewhat interesting because the video site backed by two television studios (NBC and Fox) is spending millions of dollars (or rather losing millions of dollars since NBC is airing the Super Bowl) to promote a medium that may ultimately kill television as we know it.

But Hulu decided to spice up its announcement with even more intrigue.

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“Finally, we’ll reveal the secret behind Hulu,” the service writes in its email. Ooooh, how cryptic. But don’t we already know the secret behind Hulu? Here’s a hint: Good content offered anytime you choose to watch — for free.

That said, I may just watch the Super Bowl anyway, even though I already know Hulu’s “secret.”

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