The ability to stream all Netflix “Watch Instantly” content to Xbox 360 gaming consoles over Xbox Live is set to be released to the public on November 19 when the new Xbox dashboard update comes out. A few lucky beta testers already have their hands on it, and the blog Zatz Not Funny grabbed a video of it in action (below).

All I can say is that the interface and experience look slick. They look nicer than the current interface for Roku’s box which also has Netflix streaming capabilities, as Zatz points out. It’s hard to tell how good the high-definition content looks in this YouTube clip, and some of the buffering is caused by the method Zatz used to capture the video, but all in all, this video makes me very excited for the feature.

(The Netflix part of the video doesn’t start until about 1 minute and 10 seconds in. The opening part is the new opening video for the Xbox experience.)


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