Topic > artificial intelligence

Tonara launches an AI-powered tutoring service for budding musicians

Cloudera partners with MetiStream to launch Ember, an analytics platform for health care providers

Researchers develop AI that identifies and counts wildlife with 96.6% accuracy

VB Live
How Capital One boosts B2B sales with AI (VB Live)

Apple’s Core ML 2 vs. Google’s ML Kit: What’s the difference?

OpenSpace uses AI to bring Street View to construction sites

Apple’s Shortcuts gives developers a reason to care about Siri

Apple’s Core ML 2 is 30% faster, cuts AI model sizes by up to 75%

Apple introduces Siri Shortcuts for easy custom voice commands

Samsung hires AI researchers from Bell Labs to bolster R&D efforts

Google will end Project Maven military contract in 2019

LG G7 ThinQ review: A great phone with not-so-intelligent AI

VB Live
How AI is changing the customer retention game (VB Live)

Intel unveils Nervana Neural Net L-1000 for accelerated AI training

Carnegie Mellon and Innovation Works hold ‘venture fair’ for Pittsburgh AI and robotics startups

Emergence Capital raises $435 million fund for enterprise AI investments

SoundHound raises $100 million from Tencent, Hyundai, other strategic investors

Facebook to release PyTorch 1.0 and open source AI tools for translation and gameplay

Google announces investment program to back digital assistant startups

Facebook wants to bring people on VR tours of their memories

Facebook Messenger passes 300,000 bots

Facebook Messenger launches translations by intelligent assistant M

Suki raises $15 million to grow its virtual assistant for doctors

Pinterest launches Lens visual search in beta on Android and iOS in the U.S.

Yandex hires Microsoft’s Misha Bilenko to head new machine intelligence and research group

5 everyday products and services ripe for AI domination

Facebook now describes action in automatically generated photo descriptions

VB Live
Beyond the gimmick: Implementing effective machine learning (VB Live)

SoundHound raises $75 million to expand access to its Houndify voice-powered platform

5 Alexa skills to try this week

Why the Department of Veteran Affairs canceled its contract with AI startup Flow Health

Microsoft will double its AI R&D group in Montreal

Google Assistant actions can now talk about religion, eldercare, and city services

Microsoft acquires research-oriented deep learning startup Maluuba

In a ‘man vs. machine’ poker contest, the machine is winning

Betaworks launches Voicecamp startup accelerator around AI assistants and Alexa skills

Pinterest starts using deep learning to recommend Related Pins

Kasisto raises $9.2 million to go beyond personal finance bots