Topic > Bastion

Pyre is the next gorgeous game from Bastion, Transistor developer

The masters of storytelling predict the future of narrative gaming

20 essential games for your new iPad

How super-indie Supergiant Games is following the success of Bastion with Transistor (interview)

If you could replay any this-gen game again for the first time … (staff feature)

Supergiant Games’ next epic, Transistor, hits PlayStation 4 next year

Transistor takes the high road to revenge (preview)

EA ‘player appreciation’ sale = Crysis 3 and Dead Space 3 for $30

Bastion studio announces follow-up game: Transistor

Top 15 mobile games of 2012

Humble Indie Bundle V brings the star power

Gaming art for your Facebook Timeline (Part 3: The Indies)

PAX East 2012: Sega’s action-platformer Hell Yeah! attacks the eyes with a stunning look

The best indie games of 2011