Topic > crowdfunding

This funky-looking LED bulb could be the future of lighting

Dragon Innovation brings the Yoda approach to hardware crowdfunding

This fat, ugly wristband will let you spy on people and share it with friends

PigIt helps students pay for college via ‘educational piggy bank’

Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune’s Kickstarter funds in 24 hours

Kickstarter campaigns raise 6x more than Indiegogo, says researcher

This sock tells you your baby’s heart rate, sleep position, oxygen levels, and temperature

The controversial Shadow of the Eternals fails to hit Kickstarter goal

Crowdtilt unveils Crowdhoster to 'infect the world' with crowdfunding

Ubuntu Edge crowdfunding campaign falls short by $19M, founder keeps dreaming

Crowdfunding — not just for early stage

How Upstart hopes to get you out of debt and into startups

Razoo expands crowdfunding-for-causes platform to support people in need

Spike Lee hits Kickstarter goal for 'SEXY, HUMOROUS and BLOODY' thriller

PayPal releasing GlassUp's Indiegogo crowdfunding money

GlassUp raised $100K on Indiegogo — but PayPal is refusing to pay up

Glorious failure: Ubuntu Edge passes $10M on Indiegogo

Sun-powered eco-friendly grill burn past its Kickstarter goal

‘Smart vibrator’ maker hopes to arouse investor interest on Indiegogo

MoolaHoop launches crowdfunding platform dedicated to women entrepreneurs

Canary soars past Indiegogo goal in hours for 'smart' home security device

Funding Daily: The crowdfunding takeover

Spike Lee raising $1.25M on Kickstarter for film about blood-addicted humans

The hardware revolution will be crowdfunded

FlipOver calls on social entreprenuers to tackle world's most serious problems

Scanadu Scout breaks Indiegogo record with $1.37M for ‘medical tricorder’

SEC: Startups can now advertise they are fundraising; crowdfunding has to wait

Fourth grade problem-solvers take their classroom ‘off the grid’

Crowdfunding vs. seed funding: All money is not created equal

State crowdfunding & state banks will moot the JOBS Act

VentureHealth’s crowdfunding portal gets blood flowing into ailing life sciences sector

Instagrad tackles student loan debt with crowdfunding platform for college (exclusive)

Turkish citizens crowdfund full-page ad in NY Times to fuel protests

Protestors against Turkish government crowdfund $86K to fuel revolution

Dealstruck takes on banks with its ‘Lending Club for small businesses’

CrowdIt combines crowdfunding with mentorship to churn out startup successes

Kickstarter will now let your friends tell you your idea sucks with Project Preview

Equity crowdfunding by unaccredited investors is legal in exactly one place in North America