Topic > Dark Souls II

42 Dark Souls II players die every second — and nine other chilling stats

Dark Souls II launches today on PC but preorder deal still available

Dark Souls II patch: Here’s what’s different

My mom reviews Dark Souls II

Dark Souls II PC preorder now at 20% off as release date is confirmed

5 reasons why you must keep your PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

Dark Souls publisher wants a mobile version — but developer From Software doesn’t

Real blacksmith forges Dark Souls II's hero armor

E3 2013: The year of the open world

Namco Bandai assures fans that Dark Souls II will be ‘viciously hard’

GamesBeat weekly roundup: Next Xbox rumors, BioShock Infinite talk, and more …

Dark Souls II screenshots leak online and first in-game trailer (gallery)

My mom previews Tomb Raider, Dark Souls II, and other big games of 2013

GamesBeat weekly roundup: GLaDOS in Pacific Rim, more Black Ops II zombies, and Portal on a calculator

Here are just the trailers from Spike’s Video Game Awards (you’re welcome)