Topic > DataBeat 2013

Here's why Python and Scala aren't old news in the world of data science

Here's what big data can't do: Chess, weather, and politics

Big data investors: 'The challenge is to make simpler & easier tools'

The 3 big problems in big data (hint: They all involve people)

The Who’s Who of data science is coming to DataBeat, and you need to be there, too

Medicine isn’t a science yet, Vinod Khosla says — but data will make it so

Why LinkedIn collects data on every last way members use their site

The man who made robots smarter now wants to disrupt education

Data, cloud tech go better together, Pivotal exec says

Why hospitals will soon sequence the genes of every single patient

With Domo, data maven Josh James wants to give executives a powerful dashboard

Facebook tops itself with an even faster tool for querying big data in Hadoop

IBM uses big data to predict outbreaks of dengue fever and malaria