Topic > diversity

Mark Zuckerberg’s sister officially joins Kleiner Perkins, along with Flipboard CTO Eric Feng

Pinterest engineer creates /dev/color to mentor and connect black engineers

Adriana Gascoigne on how Girls in Tech can get women to infiltrate Silicon Valley

Twitter aims to be slightly less white by 2016

How Square’s Code Camp empowers aspiring female engineers

Intel shows how we should celebrate gaming, not fear it

Facebook, still overwhelmingly white and male, releases diversity training to help you unlearn bias

Kleiner Perkins’ John Doerr says VCs are ‘pathetic’ for excluding women

White House plans a tech Demo Day for Aug. 4

Facebook is no more diverse than it was a year ago

Intel Capital will invest $125M in startups run by women and minorities

How Reddit’s fixed salary policy is diversifying its workforce

VB Event
Gamergate’s positive effect: We’re now talking about diversity

Good signs the tech industry is fixing its diversity problem

Intel says it will invest $300M to increase diversity in the tech industry

Women at LinkedIn want a mentorship program to foster future female execs

Venture capital takes a step in the right direction on diversity, but it’s still early days

Dylan's Desk: How to improve diversity without compromising on excellence

500 Startups promotes two new managing partners, works to boost its diversity

Google experiments with breaking the glass ceiling

YC to investors: There will be no funny business toward our female founders

Apple reveals it's slightly more diverse than Google & Twitter in new diversity report

Women founders lead 20% of funded tech startups at Y Combinator

Diversity by the numbers: All the Internet giants in one big chart

Twitter diversity report reveals company leadership is 79% male, 72% white

Yahoo: We're not as white as Google or LinkedIn

Scientists: If we lower math requirements, maybe we'll have more lady scientists

LinkedIn: We're (a little) better at hiring women & minorities than Google is

Google's gender & ethnic diversity v. computer science majors (in 1 chart)

What a surprise — most Googlers are white men

Here's how your startup can avoid sexual harassment claims, in 3 easy steps

The high school gender gap between math & computer science is huge (in 2 graphs)

‘I never would have invested if I knew you’d get pregnant’ and other pregnant founder stories

The beauty handicap: Here’s how one woman climbed the mobile app ladder

GitHub president Tom Preston-Werner resigns following harassment claims

Why so few women are in leadership positions at the world’s largest tech incubator

Indiegogo founder Danae Ringelmann: ‘We will never lose sight of our vision to democratize finance’

How to hire and keep good women technologists