Topic > diversity

Why women are leading the transformation of IT

The failure of Jane Crow and the “separate but equal” doctrine in technology

Why women abandon the C suite — and how to get them back

Why women have a hard time raising money for startups, part 2 (video)

Why women have a hard time raising money for startups, part 1 (video)

Why women have to work harder to do startups

U.S. immigration chief getting serious about startups & immigrant entrepreneurs (exclusive)

How VCs can solve the woman problem, if there is one

We know diversity in tech is a problem, but what’s the solution?

The color of money: Survey sheds light on racial makeup of VC industry

How pattern matching can work for minority entrepreneurs

How black entrepreneurs can succeed in Silicon Valley

Someone please tell Michael Arrington I’m not a unicorn

Why CNN’s ‘Black in America’ misses the point on race in tech

Why your startup team needs diversity — in race, financial background & gender

How the tech industry can remedy its race problem

How one woman technologist single-handedly created thousands of jobs

The female tech CEO: rising trend or exception to the rule? (video)

Why women should pick science & math degrees over liberal arts

Why grown women, not just girls, need more tech role models

The three biggest myths about women in tech

Why more women aren’t working in tech (hint: it’s not just education)

Myopic entrepreneurs need to “think big,” Get Satisfaction CEO says (video)