Topic > DMCA

WordPress wins in court over fraudulent copyright takedown notices

Requests for Google to take down ‘pirate’ links soared to 345M in 2014

Vimeo teams up with Chilling Effects to publicly track copyright complaints

Phone unlocking bill passes House, on its way to POTUS desk

Snapchat to dev: Your code is 'unlawful,' shut it down

6 tech policy issues you should be following

Congress finally introduces a smartphone unlocking bill that doesn’t stink

Copyright, DMCA, and public interest: House Judiciary Committee to conduct ‘comprehensive review’ of U.S. copyright law

The quest to legalize smartphone unlocking pushes forward — only without Google

YouTube denies NASCAR takedown of horrific Daytona Speedway crash video

100K people say they want to unlock their phones (Your move, Obama)

New Twitter policy for offending tweets: “withhold” instead of remove

Microsoft’s DMCA copyright infringement notices are out of control

Google doubles down on copyright complaints for YouTube clips

Google Transparency Report reveals Microsoft has the most copyright removal requests

Google, Facebook and the MPAA take sides in a copyright case over the DMCA safe harbor

Megaupload kills “Mega Video” lawsuit to concentrate on not being destroyed

Twitter database reveals the 4,411 takedown notices it received last year

What is ACTA and why are thousands of Europeans protesting it?

15 file-sharing sites like Megaupload that the Feds may target next

Founders of Reddit, Veoh and Craigslist join forces in anti-SOPA/PIPA discussion

Why did Universal get this video yanked off YouTube if it doesn’t have a copyright claim?