Topic > E3 2015

Our nutty and cool images from a week at E3 (photo gallery)

Here’s all of GamesBeat’s E3 2015 coverage

E3 2015’s most memorable sights: bloody fountains, huge statues, and zombies

The Xbox One Elite controller justifies its $150 price

Wargaming chief touts Master of Orion as a gift so that a new generation can ‘touch the classics’

The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes fills the needed 3-player co-op niche

The DeanBeat: My picks for the best of E3 2015

Nintendo’s E3 nostalgia is missing one big series: Advance Wars

Activision chief on Call of Duty’s PlayStation 4 deal, Guitar Hero’s revival, and Skylanders’ vehicles

The best Unreal Engine games of E3, selected by GamesBeat

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst feels better than the original in every way

A day in the life of Kanye West’s budding game career

Mega Man creator Inafune explains the backstory of surprise Microsoft exclusive ReCore

52K people attended E3 2015, up 3K over 2014 — next year’s show dates revealed

Sony’s virtual reality chief aims to create magical Morpheus experiences

Interest in E3 2015 shot up more than 60% compared to last year

World of Final Fantasy dumps realism for cute and opens the door for newer, younger players

I was eaten alive in The Walking Dead — and it made for an incredible VR experience

Heroes of the Storm refuses to budge on no-forfeit stance

Here’s why World of Final Fantasy’s characters look so familiar

How Nintendo and Atlus made Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem happen

How Sony’s Guerrilla Games came up with the new world of Horizon: Zero Dawn

AMD’s faster memory chips prepare gamers for 4K and VR

Star Ocean 5 producer on the lessons Tri-Ace has learned from Star Ocean 4’s foibles

Bethesda wins the attention war by blasting marketing rules for Doom, Fallout 4

You may hate the new Metroid, but it’s fun blasphemy

How Nier needed Platinum Games to fulfill its creators’ vision

Nintendo’s sales chief: 2016 may not be a ‘transition year’ — and what this means for 2015 (update)

Halo 5’s HoloLens experience is amazing — but it’s not in the game

Square Enix CEO talks Final Fantasy VII, global games, and trusting their creators

The revamped Xbox One controller fixes the bumpers

Nomura wants more Final Fantasy remakes — but not from the PlayStation era

EA CEO Andrew Wilson dishes on ‘players first,’ Star Wars: Battlefront, and a new Mass Effect

Nier’s Yosuke Saito: Sequel had 6 months to impress or we would ‘scrap it’

Fallout Shelter app passes Candy Crush Saga on the top-grossing mobile games

Cliff Bleszinski on Project Bluestreak, getting bored, and creating guns for 40 year olds

No Man’s Sky hits PC the same time as the PlayStation 4

Heroes of the Storm’s Eternal Conflict expansion hits June 30 with Diablo’s Monk, King Leoric, and treasure goblins