Topic > editor’s pick
What Facebook knows about data science may surprise you
Yahoo’s News Digest app may soon ship with local & personal flavors
The history of Beats Electronics: from inception to Apple
Why U.S. VC firms missed out on Alibaba — and most other big Chinese opportunities
Net neutrality groundswell builds with 10,000 stories delivered to FCC from
Beats by Apple: Why a deal makes sense — and what it says about today’s Apple
What declining reach, rising click fraud, & skyrocketing prices mean for Facebook advertisers
As Uber battles 13 lawsuits, cabbies & state agencies are out for blood (update)
Why HP’s latest OpenStack position looks intelligent — in theory
Samsung’s Gear Fit is a striking — but empty — beauty (review)
Here comes a new, Web-wide security threat — this time for OAuth & OpenID
The DeanBeat: Walking the line with unpopular video game causes (update)
Developer challenges my mom to review Escape Goat 2
Born in the NSA!
IBM and marketing tech: How Big Blue plans to tackle Adobe, Salesforce, Oracle, and Sitecore
Imogen Heap’s sensor-packed gloves will change digital music making forever (interview)
Virtual reality: Sony’s refreshingly honest thoughts on Oculus Rift, not needing triple-A, and similarities to the Wii U (exclusive)
Scio: This device tells you the chemical makeup of your food, drinks, and pills
The new VB Marketing Automation Index: Adobe is in … plus 11 other companies
What happened to changing the world?
Tech startup Operation Underground Railroad is saving kids from human traffickers
Apple vs. Google: A world view on the mobile gaming war
Pandora’s success hinges on eating terrestrial radio’s lunch, company says
Microsoft shows solid first quarter with Nadella in the driver’s seat
Surprise, surprise: No one’s using Samsung Galaxy bloatware
Galaxy S5: Samsung finally delivers the ideal Android phone (review)
VC Steve Jurvetson: Elon Musk is more capable than Steve Jobs was
Marketing tech: How to make — or lose — money with marketing automation
RelateIQ: The startup that turns salespeople’s data crumbs into gold
Fan TV will now let Time Warner subscribers ditch their crappy cable boxes
The most interesting tech IPOs in U.S. markets are coming from China. Here’s why