Topic > editor’s pick

Facebook tops itself with an even faster tool for querying big data in Hadoop

10 best practices from top coders at Google, Pinterest & more

Reclaim your wonder! 15 examples of real, shipping, actual tech that will blow your mind

Screw Snapchat: Here’s tech that’s actually making a difference in the world

Tesla’s record growth has it struggling with a serious production bottleneck

Rackspace founder’s Geekdom is a ‘gym membership for geeks’ who want to start companies

Call of Duty: Ghosts isn’t as good as last year’s Black Ops II — or Battlefield 4 (review)

HealthCare.gov costs show that feds have literally no idea how to build a big web site

Couldn’t attend GamesBeat 2013? Check out the Twitch archives of every session

Why we shouldn’t be shocked about the NSA tapping Google and Yahoo

Github to White House: Open source your HealthCare.gov code and let us help

Judgment day for Android: Apple, Microsoft file lawsuit against Google, Samsung

Smart city, smart planet: Sensity is creating a billion-node network of global sensors — in street lights

Big data, little companies: These six startups want to disrupt the data world

Meet the 10 startups from TechStars Austin’s demo day

The president’s ‘gaming guy’ tells us that educational games fascinate Obama

Penelope Trunk’s new startup is crazy, creative, insane, and genius — just like her

This is the world’s first Bitcoin ATM

Too small to fail: How HealthCare.gov should have been built

When the cloud’s not enough: How open-source servers can work for any size company

Patent troll asks court for gag order to keep defendant quiet

Twitter and social commerce: Facebook generates 10X shares, 20X traffic, 30X customers

An in-depth chat with Ouya’s CEO: Surviving launch, dealing with controversy, & what lies ahead

The big winner of Obamacare rollout: The guy with HealthCare.com

Apple’s new OS X Mavericks crashes far more frequently for some (including me)

What is this real-time web you speak of?

The PlayStation 4 controller: A close look at the touchpad, light bar, design, and everything else (part 4, exclusive)

What do you do when Google Analytics is too slow? Build a new damn database

You, too, can be a startup millionaire (or failure) with SEC’s proposed crowdfunding rules

Former White House CTO: What’s next for Obamacare website

The PlayStation 4 controller: What’s new with the buttons and triggers (part 3, exclusive)

iOS 7.03 fixes iPhone 5S sensor problems, ‘sensor-gate’ is over

The PlayStation 4 controller: What’s new with the analog sticks and D-pad (part 2, exclusive)

Why a ‘tech surge’ isn’t going to save HealthCare.gov

URBAN TxT helps at-risk kids learn to code, avoid gangs, & stay in school

The PlayStation 4 controller: The weird stuff that could’ve been (part 1, exclusive)

Zuck’s first major ed-tech investment? Panorama Education, the brainchild of a Yale coder

Go home, DEMO. You are drunk