Topic > editor’s pick

Tobii's eye-tracking proves that the best kind of touchscreen is no touchscreen at all

A chat with Nick Pope, XCOM's real-life UFO investigator (interview)

Weathermob, the Waze of weather, has 3.5X the global data points of pro meteorologists

What the circus teaches us about game development

Marissa’s first year: How Mayer became Yahoo’s best CEO yet

Your PC may already be compromised — by the NSA

GlassUp isn’t a copy of Google Glass … and just might be better

CrowdMedia sells everyone’s newsworthy Twitter pics — and could just change journalism forever

Practice Fusion raising $60M, sources say

Provender wants to disrupt an antique $200B industry — and change the way you eat

The Lumia 1020 is a stunning camera that also happens to run Windows Phone (first impressions)

Peter Relan launches mobile and infrastructure startup incubator 9+

Mobile app growth exploding, and shows no signs of letting up

Daqri’s augmented reality platform is the killer app for Google Glass

6 years after the iPhone launched, just 4 big carriers are left standing

Can Leap2 really take on Google in search? ‘Probably not,’ but it’s still going to try

How chat-for-Tumblr startup Babblr crushed, then crashed, then rose from the ashes

Desire2Learn’s blind workers help make better accessibility tools for classrooms (exclusive)

New health data outs doctors whose patients die more often

The DeanBeat: How Zynga snared Xbox boss Don Mattrick as its CEO

5 awesome innovative gadgets made in the USA

Massive Android flaw lets hackers ‘take over’ and ‘control’ 99% of Android devices (updated)

An app to save lives: Medlert is the ‘fastest way to get medical help’ (exclusive)

5 startups using mobile technology to anticipate your every need

Investors eager to dump Wine.com, sources say

Threeview: The Last of Us reviewed by a critic, an analyst, and an academic

A ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ approach to venture capital

Mark Cerny frankly recounts Sony’s mistakes with the PlayStation 3

‘Condom company with a cause’ L teams up with Uber to promote safe sex

How the brutality of combat in The Last of Us reflects human struggle (exclusive)

Microsoft exec on the Valley’s bias against Azure: It’s ‘running out of excuses’

The driving forces of change in mobile advertising

Why 3D printing in Windows 8.1 is huge for Microsoft and entrepreneurs

How game publishers like Kabam and Zynga use mobile ads to get on app store leaderboards

New Myspace is still playing music from indie labels without permission

How Vegas entrepreneurs are disrupting education and health care

What’s the right age for kids to learn to code?

How Twitch is using metadata to change video on the Web