Topic > editor’s pick

How to stop Facebook from using ads with your face on them

The untold story of Kickstarter’s most dedicated backers: Do-gooders or addicts?

Startup Stories: They turned down a Google acquisition. Now what?

An ugly duckling no more: Why Platform-as-a-Service is poised for huge growth

Remaking MySpace: How Tim and Chris Vanderhook are turning around the web’s biggest joke

Kixeye CEO says his company is aggressive, but not racist (exclusive interview)

17 years until the Singularity: A conversation with futurist Ray Kurzweil

Startup culture series: At CouchSurfing, employees may take time off to travel the world

The DeanBeat: Raptr’s gamer data shows that building real communities pays off in profits (it’s the community, stupid)

Artillery aims to make web browsers into game consoles (exclusive)

Here’s tech that can diagnose Alzheimer’s 3-4 years before first symptoms occur

Dear Apple: Deleting your users’ apps without notification is rude and arrogant

Even Ray Kurzweil is nervous about a future with hyper-intelligent machines

How to watch the presidential debates online

Exclusive: PHP, the web’s most popular programming language, is coming to mobile

Mayor Bloomberg chats about NYC’s tech initiatives at Boxee HQ

FreedomPop kicks off free 4G service with a hotspot and USB stick

How much can I sell my startup for?

Will Asian online game publishers Nexon and NCSoft buy blockbuster publisher Valve?

Threeview: Borderlands 2 reviewed by a critic, an analyst, and an academic

iPhone 5: the smartphone perfected (review)

Born within Facebook: Anime-culture fan page Tokyo Otaku Mode is cutting the cord

SceneTap’s patent-pending ID tech sounds even more like ‘Big Brother’

Apple v. Google will define the fourth wave of online mapping

Startup Stories: Longtime tech recruiter shatters the engineering shortage myth

3taps sues Craigslist to save the internet (no, seriously)

Square errs in its error messaging

Apple Maps disaster stems from lack of data — and will last ‘quite some time’

During Fashion Week, ‘tech’ is the hot new style

Eight ways to save your tweets

Inside the lonely, cranky Microsoft Store on iPhone 5 launch day

Billionaire entrepreneur Dan Gilbert on Detroit, entrepreneurship, business, and design

At iPhone 5 launch, startups, re-sellers, and even police fight for attention

The DeanBeat: The BioWare doctors built games the nice way

The next billion-dollar opportunity? Buddy Media CEO says it’s software for marketers (interview)

MLB, Starbucks, Sephora among those who see a home run in iOS 6’s Passbook

Every tweet ever written is now available to search and analyze, thanks to Gnip

Video chat service ChatRandom is destroying Fanning & Parker’s Airtime with two killer features