Topic > editor’s pick

Famous hackers discuss Zuckerberg’s “Hacker Way” comments

A web geek’s round-up for watching the Super Bowl

Micron chief executive Steve Appleton dies in experimental-airplane crash

How Camera+’s John Casasanta made millions off a $1 app

What Facebook isn’t telling you about its risky ad business

Does former MySpace CEO think Facebook’s stock value will last?

In light of Facebook’s huge mobile risk, a “Facebook phone” looks like a smart solution

Power play: How Zuckerberg wrested control of Facebook from his shareholders

Richard “Lord British” Garriott in space: “I might just sit up in my window in orbit and write the next game” (interview)

Zynga CEO: We aren’t the copycats on Bingo social game (exclusive interview)

Don’t mess with Dick: Twitter CEO speaks out against Google, censorship, and SOPA

Macworld finds its footing as a “hardcore consumer lifestyle event”

VBWeekly: Sh*t startup people say

With record earnings, Apple has no excuse for continued labor abuses

Facebook subscribe button hooks thousands of journalists

Stephan Paternot’s Slated aims to disrupt Hollywood as the AngelList for film funding

How Graphicly is paving the way for self-published digital comic books

Node at scale: What Google, Mozilla, & Yahoo are doing with Node.js

Apple’s staggering Q1 earnings by the numbers

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales: MPAA chairman Christopher Dodd should be fired

15 file-sharing sites like Megaupload that the Feds may target next

MediaFire CEO: Unlike Megaupload, our business model isn’t built on piracy

Quantifying our lives will be a top trend of 2012

How schools are reacting to Apple’s entry into education

Megaupload defendants’ property includes 15 Mercedes, a Lamborghini, a Maserati, and a Rolls

Facebook’s biggest change yet: Actions are here

The view from CES: The top 10 trends in technology for 2012

Use voice commands to play better in Mass Effect 3 (video)

How to teach history (and lots more) with Minecraft

Forget Facebook, the IPO market is dying, says SecondMarket CEO Barry Silbert

Our test for the best cell phone service provider at CES 2012

SOPA supporters, stop leaving money on the table and blaming piracy for your woes

For wider appeal, PlayStation Vita can do non-gaming apps like Twitter and Flickr (video)

More than just hype, Ultrabooks are the future of laptop computing

Apple audits unveil child labor, slave labor and more at supplier plants

Why Facebook’s “Listen With Friends” feature isn’t a threat to Turntable

If SOPA passes, we’re as much to blame as Congress and Hollywood

Everything you need to know about Facebook’s potential IPO (infographic)