Topic > Facebook

Facebook’s little social experiment got you bummed out? Get over it

Facebook accepts 62 percent of applicants into FbStart developer program

Fighting the mobile retail war: How to meet customers every step of the way

No, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg did not apologize for that creepy psych study

Facebook Messenger finally launches on iPad

Facebook's policy head calls mood-manipulation experiment 'innovation'

Facebook takes heat for secret study; Sheryl Sandberg apologizes

Facebook tests an unconventional new ad unit in India

This is your brain on Facebook — you're not going to like it (video)

Facebook's mood-manipulation experiment under investigation in the U.K.

Protesters picket Facebook's London office

Cornell University: We didn't review Facebook's mood-manipulation experiment

Lead Facebook researcher expresses regret over secret 2012 'mood' study

Yo, Facebook: What Yo and Slingshot can teach us about why people share

Facebook investor Andreessen sarcastically defends Facebook's mood experiment

Facebook secretly experimented with the moods of 700,000 of its users

Facebook reaches 69M users in Indonesia, one of its largest markets

Facebook brings 20 more gender options to the U.K.

Facebook secretly moved all of your Instagram photos to its own servers

Study: 9K apps and 397M users show cost-per-install is the worst mobile user acquisition method

New stats show Facebook is run by a bunch of white dudes, just like Yahoo & Google

Facebook's Slingshot just can't compete with Yo

Teens love Facebook after all, says new Forrester study

Facebook to polling firm Gallup: No matter what consumers say, our ad business works

New 'forest fire' attacks might pose a big threat to your personal Facebook security

Modus Operandi is building a 'Facebook' for tracking terrorists

Chasing clicks (and bucks), Facebook gives its column ads another makeover

Facebook's Android app will soon work much better in emerging countries with weaker infrastructure

Facebook just designed a custom networking switch

Brit spy agencies redefine 'external' communications — & spying on the Web

Facebook debuts new Snapchat rival app Slingshot — for real, this time

Nexon's new CEO wants creative devs, free-to-play to be fair — and cloners to take a hike (interview)

Supreme Court will decide if the First Amendment can protect threats on Facebook

This new mobile app uses big data to analyze your face

Growing, optimizing, and winning with marketing tech: GrowthBeat

Facebook unleashes game discovery feature for the iPad

3 'trivial' inventions that ended up changing the world

Iran makes accessing Facebook a crime