Topic > Fallout 4

Return of paid mods? Steam blog still talks about why some mods cost money

Fallout 4 pre-order discount returns to all-time 25% off low

Fallout Shelter earned $5.1M in its first 2 weeks

Fallout 4 and Uncharted 4 are the big winners of E3 critic awards

Star Wars: Battlefront, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Fallout 4 lead Game Critics Awards nominations

Your iPhone 6+ and other ‘phablets’ won’t fit in Fallout 4’s wearable Pip-Boy

E3 2015: The GamesBeat staff’s Games of the Show awards

E3 2015’s most memorable sights: bloody fountains, huge statues, and zombies

Bethesda wins the attention war by blasting marketing rules for Doom, Fallout 4

Fallout Shelter app passes Candy Crush Saga on the top-grossing mobile games

25% off Fallout 4 preorder deal coattails along with announcement hype (updated)

Fallout Shelter makes living in a postapocalyptic bunker adorable and totally free

Bethesda: ‘We hope to bring’ mods to PS4 as well

Fallout 4 drops some Animal Crossing and Pikmin into the Wasteland

Everything Bethesda announced at today at its E3 briefing

Fallout* comes out tonight! (*As a free-to-play mobile game)

Fallout 4 lets fans play in a pre-apocalyptic world with a voiced character — hits Nov. 10

E3 stretches in new directions: mobile games, VR, and 5,000 fan attendees

PlayStation TV Falls to $39.99 Again This Week

Our GIFs show Fallout 4’s pinched-butt graphics, friendly dog, and dynamic Boston

Fallout 4’s graphics look cheap and plasticy, but that’s OK

Fallout 4: Everyone on Twitter really wants to play as the dog

Fallout 4 is real — watch the trailer here

Bethesda countdown clock looks like a Fallout 4 teaser

Bethesda hosts its first E3 press conference this year

Kingdom Hearts III, Fallout 4, and the rest of the games we were surprised not to see at E3

E3 2014 rumor mill: Fallout 4, Zelda Wii U, and more