Topic > Game Developers Conference

Game developers rally against Trump’s Muslim ban

Rogue One special effects team to speak at Game Developers Conference

Epic Games’ Tim Sweeney to receive lifetime achievement award at GDC

Iam8bit announces game-related art showcase for the Game Developers Conference

The DeanBeat: At 30, GDC is stronger than ever

How GamesBeat will be a part of GDC next week

GDC State of the Industry: Most developers confident about the future of VR

GDC: 16% of game developers are working on VR, up from 7% a year ago

GDC hits a record 26,000 attendees for virtual reality, game culture talks, and parties

The Game Developers Conference will shine its light on virtual reality, e-sports, and Internet hatred (interview)

How Eve: Valkyrie went from ‘sideshow’ to the star of CCP Games's lineup

The DeanBeat: The questions to ask about the current state of games

Analytics firm Flurry reveals how to best make money from the 70% of Android devices that engage in gaming

PlayHaven/Kontagent reboot as Upsight, offering a single platform for game analytics and monetization

Game developers favor the PC, smartphones, and PlayStation 4 over Xbox One

The Last of Us, Tearaway lead the way for the 14th annual Game Developers Choice Awards nominees

Facebooker-turned-game dev Tam stays calm in the mobile storm (interview)

The DeanBeat: Mobile monetization is the ‘biggest Achilles’ heel’ issue in the game industry

How GungHo Online Entertainment created Puzzle & Dragons, the surprise billion-dollar mobile game

Ted Price on how Insomniac Games’ Fuse isn’t going to be a bomb (interview)

Unity’s David Helgason on why next-gen consoles are embracing indies (interview)

GDC drew more than 23,000 attendees to hear diverse perspectives on games

Victor Kislyi storms into mobile with World of Tanks: Blitz (interview)

Jade Raymond’s growing empire at Ubisoft (interview)

Updated: YetiZen explains hiring of gamer models, not dancers, for its GDC party

Epic Games extends Unreal Engine 4 to mobile games, creates an eye-popping next-gen demo

In a ‘love letter to gamers,’ Ouya launches its console at a crowded GDC event (video)

Ouya looks pretty but lacks killer games so far (preview)

Ahoy, transmedia! Warner Bros. sails into digital games (interview)

EA has a lot riding on Battlefield 4, and it’s stepping up its investment in a big way

EA sets the stage for Battlefield 4 launch

Sony steps up for indies with funding for PlayStation games

Kuato teaches kids to code via Hakitzu educational game

Verizon launches games portal using PlayPhone technology

How The Unfinished Swan moved from student project to PS3 downloadable game

Tangentix raises $2.1M to make game downloads faster (exclusive)

Intel launches developer tools for ‘perceptual computing’

Com2Us rides the Kakao mobile games wave and expands to the U.S.