Topic > #GamerGate

Ashley Judd scorches the game industry for profiting from misogyny
![Nintendo insists that Paper Mario: Color Splash joke wasn’t about Gamergate [update]](https://venturebeat-com-develop.go-vip.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/papermariocolorsplash.jpg?resize=350%2C175&strip=all)
Nintendo insists that Paper Mario: Color Splash joke wasn’t about Gamergate [update]

The DeanBeat: What’s game journalism’s next move?

The DeanBeat: Farewell to #GamerGate

Developer Zoë Quinn sells the movie rights to her ‘Crash Override’ Gamergate memoir

EA exec Peter Moore blasts fans who spread hate on women soccer players in FIFA 16

VB Event
Gamergate’s positive effect: We’re now talking about diversity

Feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian is only game person on Time’s top 100

Game of Thrones’ Arya and Sansa Stark on Gamergate: Don’t feed the trolls

Massachusetts congresswoman urges FBI to take Gamergate seriously

The DeanBeat: The game industry’s struggle with light and darkness

Independent Games Festival host denounces Internet hate and Gamergate, gets standing ovation

Intel aims to double the number of women in gaming

Zoe Quinn and other female game developers speak out against harassment

Game developers favor Steam and PC over other platforms

Brianna Wu’s Giant Spacekat pulls out of PAX East, blames GamerGate death threats

Brianna Wu speaks up about death threats and personal cost of opposing #GamerGate

Worst of 2014: 5 trends that tried to spoil gaming

The DeanBeat: Like it or hate it, #GamerGate isn't losing steam

Watch critic Anita Sarkeesian talk GamerGate on 'The Colbert Report'

The DeanBeat: Be sure to make some time for the best games of the fall

DeanBeat: With GamerGate, enough is enough

GamerGate is McCarthyism. Don't let it silence you (opinion)

More threats for critic Anita Sarkeesian: Anonymous email promises 'deadliest school shooting'

Game developer Brianna Wu leaves home after receiving death threats for speaking out in support of women

Intel pulls ads from Gamasutra, and then apologizes for it