Topic > Internet.org

Facebook is launching its first Internet-beaming satellite in ‘next few months’

CEO Mark Zuckerberg predicts 5 billion Facebook users by 2030

India doesn’t want Facebook’s walled-garden Internet

How Facebook made the world a smaller place in 2015

Facebook expands Internet.org basic services to everyone in India

Facebook’s new Slideshow ads could transform how the company sells ads in emerging markets

Mark Zuckerberg on why he’s showing so much interest in India

Zuckerberg: 15M people worldwide can now access the Web via Internet.org

Facebook will use satellites to bring broadband to large parts of Africa

Ahead of UN address, Mark Zuckerberg issues call for universal Internet access

Facebook renames Internet.org to ‘Free Basics,’ opens up to more developers and web services

Mark Zuckerberg hosting town hall Q&A with India’s Prime Minister Modi on September 27

Facebook’s massive new drone will beam the Internet down to developing countries

Facebook to open its newest data center in Fort Worth to support its global infrastructure

Zuckerberg: Internet.org is now available to more than 1B people

In defense of Facebook’s Internet.org: Beware the ‘privacists’

Facebook launches Internet.org as a platform for developers in response to net neutrality criticism

Facebook reportedly sees expanding into Cuba as part of its ‘mission’

In the race between Google and Facebook over global connectivity, everyone is winning

Facebook’s Zuckerberg says he’d only hire someone he’d work for

MWC: Zuckerberg, mobile carriers talk bottom line benefits of Internet.org

Facebook’s Internet.org now offering free connectivity to millions in India

Facebook opens F8 registration

Mark Zuckerberg to host ‘international’ public Q&A January 14

Facebook launches mobile app in Zambia with free Internet access

Facebook's Android app will soon work much better in emerging countries with weaker infrastructure

The journey to 5B Internet users begins with this Zuckspirational video

Facebook explains secrets of building hugely scalable sites