Topic > Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch preorders are now live (update)

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will launch with the Nintendo Switch on March 3

FIFA and EA are coming to Switch

Nintendo partners with Suda 51, Bethesda, Square Enix, and more for third-party Switch games

Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will be on the Nintendo Switch

New Shin Megami Tensei role-playing game is coming to Nintendo Switch

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the first big Japanese role-playing game for the Nintendo Switch

Super Mario Odyssey is coming to the Switch this holiday

Nintendo Switch gets an offbeat boxing game: Arms

Splatoon 2 is coming to Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch has high-tech Joy-Con controllers with motion detection camera

Nintendo Switch battery life: 2.5 hours to 6 hours

Nintendo will charge for a premium online service that you control from your phone

Nintendo Switch releases on March 3 for $300

Nintendo Switch event: Watch the livestream right here

GamesBeat’s Switch wishes: What we want to see from Nintendo’s livestreams

New York’s Nintendo Store will begin taking preorders for its upcoming Switch system on Friday

Top 5 dormant Nintendo franchises that should return on Switch? GamesBeat Decides

Nintendo will talk Switch games on January 13

NES Classic, Switch, and Mario grew Nintendo’s search volume to 3 times the size of PlayStation’s

Is Nintendo’s Switch too underpowered to compete? GamesBeat Decides

Nintendo Switch goes on tour: It may be coming to a city near you

Nintendo Switch specs: less powerful than PlayStation 4

Nintendo Switch and NES Classic were Googled more than PlayStation VR, PS4 Pro, or Xbox One in 2016

Are babies enough to get people back into Pokémon Go? GamesBeat Decides

Nintendo’s stock price is up as buzz continues to build for Switch and Super Mario Run

Nintendo surprises The Tonight Show with a playable Nintendo Switch and Zelda

THQ Nordic acquires more franchises to prepare for the Nintendo Switch

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will appear at Thursday’s Game Awards

Is the Nintendo Switch going to cost less than $250? GamesBeat Decides

Watch the making of a Nintendo Switch replica

Nintendo has begun promoting Battlefy’s Splatoon esports tournaments

Nvidia: Porting PS4, Xbox One, and PC games to Nintendo Switch is simple

Nvidia’s CEO discusses AI dangers, Donald Trump, the Nintendo Switch, and more

Wii U: Figuring out the dying console’s legacy

Nintendo will reportedly stop Wii U production this year (updated)

Listen to the alpha episode of the GamesBeat Decides podcast

Rating Nintendo’s names for its home gaming consoles