Topic > Ping

Apple will kill Ping social network Sept 30

Ding-dong, Ping is dead: Apple kills its social music service

WTFast promises to destroy lag in online games; we’re skeptical

HP provides technology to reduce malaria in Botswana

Twitter’s union with Apple’s Ping turns all of us into mindless iTunes ads

Apple’s Ping tops 1M users in two days, but it’s no Google Buzz

Big surprise: Spammers find their way into Apple’s Ping social network

What’s keeping you from importing Facebook friends into Apple’s Ping social network

Steve Wozniak gives thumbs up to Steve Jobs’ new Ping social network (video)

Apple visual feast: from cool Apple Stores to Coldplay’s lead singer (photo gallery and video)

Apple roundup: Steve’s big media push

Why Apple’s Ping is about cutting out the social middleman

Apple’s iTunes-only Ping socializes your music with elements of Facebook (video demo)

Mobile developer Smule: Ping sounds great — what about app suggestions?