Topic > PlayStation VR

Firewall: Zero Hour is a virtual reality take on Rainbow Six: Siege

GameStop is getting more PlayStation VR bundles

Almost 10% of Resident Evil 7 users tried the game on PlayStation VR

Harmonix vet Florian Hunziker grabs Adam Boyes’s old third-party relations gig at PlayStation

Game developers are optimistic about Nintendo Switch sales

Robert Scoble, CES madness, and the iPhone 8 rumor mill – VB Engage

How Oasis Games is creating a console beachhead for Chinese game makers

GamesBeat’s top 10 AR and VR stories of the year: Pikachu and porn

Jaunt lets you watch VR movies on the PlayStation VR

Nintendo Switch and NES Classic were Googled more than PlayStation VR, PS4 Pro, or Xbox One in 2016

Nvidia boasts about sales of 15 million VR-ready PCs — even as PlayStation 4 hits 50 million

Despite slow 2016, VR is still forecast to hit $14 billion in consumer software sales in 2020

Surgeon Simulator for PlayStation VR controls like a drunk doc — but not for much longer

Ubisoft plans cross-platform multiplayer support for all its VR games

PlayStation VR headsets in Japan live in cute little prisons

PlayStation VR’s best-sellers include Batman and Job Simulator

Myst studio Cyan announces Obduction for PS4, PSVR, and HTC Vive

PlayStation 4 Pro delivers the 4K content — but 1080p-TV owners shouldn’t upgrade yet

Watch us play Eagle Flight: Ubisoft’s VR bird simulator

Pornhub’s 360-degree videos now work on PlayStation VR

Video game software sales estimated to hit $98 billion by 2020

PlayStation VR is serviceable virtual reality with refined design and finicky tracking

If you’re an idiot in PlayStation VR, you’re an idiot in real life

Watch Rez Infinite’s Area X — how VR finally got me into the classic trip

PlayStation VR will let you play 360-degree videos (and yes, that means porn) soon

Watch us play Rigs, the PlayStation VR mech shooter

How PlayStation VR could ignite the mainstream virtual reality market

Sony: PlayStation VR’s tracking problems come from sun and shiny surfaces

PlayStation VR game roundup: Batman, tanks, funky cubes, and more

Watch us play PlayStation VR games, Round 2: Batman, London Heist, and a dance party

PSVR needs more games that simulate low-tech social spaces

Watch us play with Sony’s PlayStation VR

How PlayStation VR is worse than HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

How PlayStation VR is better than HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

PlayStation VR is almost useless without the camera

PlayStation VR has a 10-foot problem

Juniper Research: VR hardware market will hit $50 billion by 2021

PlayStation Home developer will launch a game with PlayStation VR