Topic > Portal 2

10 endings that shocked everyone this gaming generation

Watch as Valve shows how the unorthodox Steam Controller works with Portal and Civ

Trigger Happy's Toon Hero app lets fans create their own Portal 2 animated cartoons (exclusive)

Valve turns to Payelp Global to handle transactions in Eastern Europe

GamesBeat weekly roundup: THQ asset auction, Legend of Zelda in HD, and Atari is bankrupt

The GLaDOS recruitment agency: Using Portal 2 to find employees

ROUNDTABLE’D! Game characters solve violence in video games!

Video game characters modeled after famous people (gallery)

The funniest Achievements and Trophies ever, part one: Failures

A year later, Intel’s ‘perceptual computing’ initiative is becoming more concrete

10 female characters not featured in their game’s cover (and 10 that are)

Valve gives Plantronics the rights to officially brand headsets with Aperture Laboratories and Mann Co. logos

Portal’s GLaDOS is a movie star — we’re not joking

From concept art to polygons: A visual comparison

GamesBeat weekly roundup: Humble THQ Bundle, sexism, and The Walking Dead Episode 5

Portal 2 In Motion adds three mechanics, subtracts one plot (review)

Save Clementine all over again with these The Walking Dead-inspired custom figures

Game industry pros confess their piles of shame!

The DeanBeat: Raptr’s gamer data shows that building real communities pays off in profits (it’s the community, stupid)

If Portal’s Chell had a dating site profile

A working Aperture Science Sentry Turret from Portal

Borderlands 2 nearly perfects the blend of shooter and role-playing game (review)

GamesBeat weekly roundup: Sound Shapes, Penny Arcade, and Mists of Pandaria

Portal 2 puzzle editor pops in co-op support

Papo & Yo and 10 other games that feature graffiti

Coolest class ever: Valve brings Portal 2 to schools

Quantum Conundrum is an unbalanced measure of brilliance and flaws (review)

7 awesomely geeky video game marriage proposals

Super-cool minimalist video game art posters — which one is your favorite? (gallery)

(Updated with new pictures) Student reveals the origins of his real-life Portal turret

Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Begins May 8

How gaming’s biggest blockbusters affect monthly sales (infographic)

The Fez soundtrack’s hidden images and how they got there

Valve “Steam Box” console rumor sounds like a bad idea

NAVGTR announces nominees for 2012 game awards

Xbox Live stats for 2011 show players skipped out on some great games

VBWeekly: Top 10 games of 2011

Left 4 Dead short film rivals Hollywood production values (video)