Topic > Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider shows how Lara has changed over 20 years

Tomb Raider writer Rhianna Pratchett paves a new way for female heroes

Undertale gets snubbed by Writers Guild of America

Rise of the Tomb Raider’s PC version releasing on January 28

Rise of the Tomb Raider has sold through 1M copies, according to Microsoft

GamesBeat community manager Mike Minotti’s top 10 games of 2015

Rise of the Tomb Raider gets a January PC release date on Steam

GamesBeat reporter Jeff Grubb’s top 10 games of 2015

The DeanBeat: My favorite games of 2015

Rise of the Tomb Raider enables your Twitch viewers to control part of Lara Croft’s adventure

The sexualization of Lara Croft is a thing of the past, says Rise of the Tomb Raider writer

Rise of the Tomb Raider is Lara Croft’s stunning coming-of-age tale

Watch us play Rise of the Tomb Raider

Microsoft tells us how Xbox One will win the holiday and why consoles aren’t dying

The DeanBeat: How technology is advancing the cause of women in video games

Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox One bundle comes just in time for the holidays

Exploring Siberia in Rise of the Tomb Raider gameplay video

How Lara Croft celebrates female empowerment and adventure in Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider shows Lara Croft as an intellectual as well as an action hero

Microsoft gives away Tomb Raider to Xbox Live Gold subscribers to promote the sequel

Lara Croft is still badass in Rise of the Tomb Raider

E3 2015’s most memorable sights: bloody fountains, huge statues, and zombies

How HoloLens and backward compatibility fit into Xbox’s grand strategy

Square Enix CEO talks Final Fantasy VII, global games, and trusting their creators

Square Enix shows Xbox One exclusive Lara Croft in Rise of the Tomb Raider

What to expect from Microsoft at E3 2015: Halo, Tomb Raider, and more

What to expect from Square Enix at E3 2015: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and more

Wii U preorders benefit most from Gamescom despite Nintendo's not putting on a press event

Xbox boss on Uncharted: I wish we had an action-adventure game like that, but we don’t

Xbox doesn't have a monopoly on Rise of the Tomb Raider forever

Microsoft tosses out nice surprises for Xbox fans at Gamescom