Topic > Siri

Google and Samsung: With partners like these, who needs enemies?

Dragon Mobile Assistant for Android gets smarter: Now it can share your location and dial into scheduled calls

The ‘Smart apps’ explosion is happening right now

Leveling the (local) playing field: How tech can help merchants compete

Microsoft shows a new futuristic vision with huge touchscreens & Siri-like voice interactions (video)

Winston: A digital butler that reads your news and social media updates aloud

Apple’s ‘Eyes Free’ Siri tech coming to 2013 Honda Accords & Acuras

Siri comes alive in iOS 6.1 as Apple finally lets us actually buy stuff with our voices

Apple wants to make Siri more conversational

Now Facebook is competing with everyone in local search, including Apple and Google

Scientists say deep learning is the future of Silicon Valley tech

Siri and Apple Maps are making a move to Mac OS X

Dylan’s Desk: Artificial intelligence’s new hope is … targeted marketing

Talking teddy bears raise $11.5M

Siri’s sister Desti is a virtual tour guide to answer all your travel queries

Siri can buy your movie tickets in iOS 6.1

Voice search shoot-out: Google’s new voice search vs Apple’s Siri, hands-on

Google’s new iOS search app is a direct assault on Siri

Apple steals Amazon A9’s CEO so you can stop yelling at Siri

Funny video shows what happens when Apple’s Siri gets jealous (video)

17 years until the Singularity: A conversation with futurist Ray Kurzweil

Can’t get enough iPhone 5? Here’s another hands-on video demo

Siri may arrive on iMacs next, according to Apple patent

Siri gets Facebook integration, movie recommendations in iOS 6

Apple loses another Siri founder: Engineering director Adam Cheyer

The next step for IBM’s Watson: Your pocket

Google Voice Search adds 13 languages for a total of 42; Siri still at 4

Say hello to Nina: Nuance’s Siri-like assistant for iOS and Android apps

Saga, an intelligent companion for iPhone, aims to do what Siri can’t

Martin Scorsese spars with Siri in new ad

SiriBerry? BlackBerry 10 developer release adds Siri-like voice commands

Trapit for iPad aims to fix mobile browsing with artificial intelligence

Kuato aims to teach kids programming through games

Samsung: Galaxy Nexus ban based on ‘insufficient evidence’

Sorry, Siri, ‘Google Now’ is a personal assistant I’d hire in real life

Apple adds checkin features to iOS 6 Maps via Yelp integration

Battle of the voice assistants: Siri vs. S-Voice (infographic)

Siri, what happened at Tiananmen Square in 1989?