Topic > SOPA

Reddit, DuckDuckGo, Imgur & more plan second NSA protest of 2014

What startups need to know about TPP, the secret global trade agreement

‘Restore The 4th’ galvanizes over 100 nationwide protests against NSA, PRISM, and government spying

Gaming lobby Video Game Voters Network surpasses 500K members

Celebrate ‘Internet Freedom Day’ on the anniversary of SOPA’s defeat

Web pioneer and activist Aaron Swartz dead at 26

Senator Ron Wyden details tech policy topics that need attention in 2013

Reddit founder describes riding the 'Internet 2012 Bus Tour' to stir internet activism

Kim Dotcom does Che Guevara and MLK all in one, hilariously

Step aside Batman, Internet Defense League to light up the sky with ‘Cat Signals’

SOPA/PIPA opposers create Declaration of Internet Freedom — will it work?

Silicon Valley, you’re going to be seeing a lot more of this Hollywood “nightmare”

Facebook justifies its support for CISPA, a bad cyber security bill

Pirates are now the third most popular political party in Germany

League for Gamers takes stand against warning-labels on games (exclusive)

Universal Music exec: music & tech are still friends after SOPA

Rep. Darrell Issa does Reddit Q&A about ACTA, piracy laws, & more

Rep. Darrell Issa opens up secretive intellectual property “treaty”, ACTA, to the public

SOPA author strikes back with Internet surveillance bill; no one is safe

SOPA foe Fred Wilson says everyone is a pirate, but supports a blacklist for pirate sites

Google confirms Internet users in Iran are blocked (updated)

Web companies beg Congress to “step back” from IP legislation

5 years later, Viacom still suing YouTube out of “principle”

Don’t mess with Dick: Twitter CEO speaks out against Google, censorship, and SOPA

What is ACTA and why are thousands of Europeans protesting it?

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales: MPAA chairman Christopher Dodd should be fired

Anonymous wants to shut down Facebook on Jan. 28

FCC chairman Julius Genachowski calls for SOPA compromise

SOPA is essentially dead, and we killed it

ESA calls for post-SOPA balance of “creative and technology interests”

Senate Majority Leader delays vote on PIPA

Department of Justice shutdown of rogue site MegaUpload shows SOPA is unnecessary

Top 5 reasons to support SOPA

We stood up to Hollywood’s bullying, here’s what we need to do next

10 things you need to know about SOPA and PIPA

25 senators come out against PIPA anti-piracy bill

Silicon Valley luminaries protest SOPA in downtown San Francisco

How to work around Wikipedia’s blackout: 5 easy options you can do at home