Topic > tech surge

We’re now entering the post-HealthCare.gov phase of Obamacare

Internet erupts with #LetToddWork demand after Obamacare CTO testifies under House subpoena

Introducing… the HealthCare.gov Hunger Games

Obamacare website CIO is stepping down

HealthCare.gov costs show that feds have literally no idea how to build a big web site

Github to White House: Open source your HealthCare.gov code and let us help

Why people flocked to our website instead of HealthCare.gov

Google & Oracle’s ‘best and brightest’ dispatched to help fix HealthCare.gov

Too small to fail: How HealthCare.gov should have been built

The big winner of Obamacare rollout: The guy with HealthCare.com

So much for OpenGov: Quantcast traffic on HealthCare.gov ‘hidden by the owner’

Former White House CTO: What’s next for Obamacare website

Government taps Jeffrey Zients, Presidential Innovation Fellows to repair federal health exchange

Verizon rumored to be in the running to fix HealthCare.gov

Why a ‘tech surge’ isn’t going to save HealthCare.gov

Health agency to recruit the ‘best and brightest’ to fix HealthCare.gov
