Topic > Twitter
Twitter’s new keyword targeting ad product: now Twitter’s starting to monetize your interest graph
Twitter VP wants to see Facebook-Home-like presence on Android lock screens
Tech world wrestles with how to respond to tragedy
Twitter cuts off crowdfunding payment service Flattr
Syrian Electronic Army tampers with NPR articles, Twitter accounts
Twitter might be making TV deals with Viacom & Comcast
Boston Marathon bombings: How tech is helping
Twitter’s #Music site is up now, could launch as soon as today
Global village: Twitter introduces Trends in 160 new locations
Adam Orth, Microsoft game exec who insulted fans on Twitter, has left the company (updated)
Ribbon’s in-stream Twitter payments shut down by Twitter 90 minutes after launching
Fake Twitter followers go for $18 per 1,000, RTs for 5 cents
Wall Street, meet Twitter (now on those fancy Bloomberg terminals)
Twitter just gave mobile app developers an absolutely massive user-acquisition gift
Prince’s record label yanks ‘unauthorized recordings’ from Twitter’s Vine app
Twitter for business, 101: Twitter wants to help advertisers ‘tweet to success’
Vine finally lets you embed its bite-sized videos on the web
Are #hashtags geeky? 71% of social media users say no
What Twitter and Pinterest know about DevOps that you don’t (infographic)
Nielsen confirms Twitter buzz aligns to actual TV ratings
At seven years old, how has Twitter affected your life?
Playhaven developer fired for sexual jokes after SendGrid marketer outs him on Twitter
Twitter releases new ad targeting tools: Interest, platform, fans, and gender
Square CEO Jack Dorsey doesn’t have a desk, but he does want to be mayor of NYC
Catholic Church announces new Pope Francis on Twitter
Twitter adds line breaks; brace yourself for insane ASCII art
Report: Twitter Music to launch within two weeks
New details emerge about the hack on Facebook
Want to see the market potential of Vine? Check out Mass Relevance’s new socially driven digital mosaic
5 lessons from API giants like Twitter and Google testing promoted posts with iReach, a PR Newswire company